About Me


My name is Evelyn... and I'm trying to make a baby.

I’m a wife, a friend, a daughter, and a dreamer. I used to be a dancer and every now and then I'll wake up from any variation of the same dream where I've been performing elaborate dance choreography in front of an audience too big for me to count. When I wake I remember that I can't jump that high anymore, or that it's doubtful I'd master movement as intricate as I just performed in my sleep, or that while I am still in great shape, my body is just not as flexible as it used to be. I always take a deep breath, promise myself, "this month I'll get back in some ballet classes (just for fun)" and count my current real-world blessings.

In what now feels like another life, I lived in LA, was an actor and an on-camera host (think Ryan Seacrest, but without the fame or massive notoriety and financial success). I went on auditions, performed in an improve troupe and occasionally met famous people. I even had a best friend with her own reality show. But that was then...

Now, in my current reality, I produce commercials at an advertising agency in San Francisco, and still occasionally dream of going back to my LA days. I've always had lots of big aspirations, some more realistic than others, but one that has always stood out as the most meaningful to me, possibly the most important thing I could ever do. This has also become "the something" that the girl who used to wear her heart on her sleeve has begun to hold closer and closer to her chest, especially over the last few years as it's proven more and more difficult to achieve.

That something, as you might have guessed is: "I am a future mommy". I'm not pregnant. Not yet, but I am trying desperately to get there. This blog is all about my journey and about opening up and finding a positive way to channel my thoughts and emotions. In part, it came to fruition from my own quest to connect with others who have gone through a similar struggle, to help share the information I've found useful. But lets be real here, this was also selfishly motivated to help me pass the time in between the baby showers (SO. MANY. BABY SHOWERS.), 1st, 2nd and 3rd births of my friends and families children and while waiting for my own test results and medical procedures.

My plan is to honestly share advice I've received (the good, the bad & the ugly), logistics, emotions, the set-backs, the confusion, the wins and the losses...hopefully, with a little bit of humor and without distressing (too much) my sweet, but painfully private husband.

My name is Evelyn...and I am trying to make a baby.

I hope this blog inspires you to know that you are not alone, to feel prepared and empowered on this very exciting journey to grow your family. Feel free to leave a comment or follow me on social media!